Open.Theremin V3 deluxe set – no soldering, pre-programmed Arduino compatible micro-controller, golden antennas, tripod stand and 2 meter USB cable.
The Open.Theremin is a real, playable theremin music instrument with a big, active community. The theremin instrument is played with two antennas (included in this bundle), one to control the pitch and one for volume. The electronic shield is built with two heterodyne oscillators, same principle as the original Theremin. The Arduino micro-controller does the linearisation and filtering and the sound is then generated through a high quality digital to analog audio converter on the board. The theremin features a new fully automatic one button calibration of the antennas. A new mute function as well as a knob to adjust the sensitivity (Register) and wave form (Timbre).
Excellent linearity makes it a good instrument for learning how to play the theremin.
- Pitch and volume antenna with excellent linearity and digital tuning
- Full digital auto-tuning (one button press)
- 12bit digital to analog converter generates audio out signal (3.5mm mini jack)
- USB powered
- Full size, removable antennas
- One button interface
- Mute function
- 8 audio wave forms can be selected
- Completely open source hardware and software (OSHWA Certificate CH00001)
- No soldering, no computer needed.
Included in the kit:
- Open.Theremin V3 shield with soldered pin headers and all buttons and lights
- Black Arduino UNO compatible board with software pre-programmed (pre-mounted)
- Volume antenna
- Pitch antenna (two parts with connector)
- Stable, foldable tripod stand
- USB cable, 2.0 meter, USB 2.0, Type A/B, black
- Grounding wire
The antennas are made from golden anodized 6mm aluminum tubing and fit well with the theremin design and connectors.
The USB power adapter and active speakers are NOT included in the kit.
Any USB plug (e.g. old phone charger) works.
Comes with printed user manual.
FREE SHIPPING worldwide.
For more infos see User Manual